Barbara Ess | I Am Not This Body, excerpts, 2001
excerpt 1 The world appears behind a sheet of glass. I try to get through. You are talking. I can see your lips moving. I can't hear what...

Paul Graham | The Unreasonable Apple, 2010
This month I read a review in a leading US Art Magazine of a Jeff Wall survey book, praising how he had distinguished himself from...

Nan Goldin | The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, excerpts, 1986
excpert 1 The Ballad of Sexual Dependency is the diary I let people read. My written diaries are private; they form a closed document of...

Susan Sontag | "In Plato's Cave" from On Photography, excerpt, 1977
Humankind lingers unregenerately in Plato's cave, still reveling, its age-old habit, in mere images of the truth. But being educated by...

Nathan Lyons | "Comment" in Under the Sun: The Abstract Art of Camera Vision, 1960
The essential property of an image is that it is the fusion of intellect and emotion into a single reality. Intellect, as an isolated...

Paul Graham | Photography is Easy, Photography is Difficult, 2009
It’s so easy it's ridiculous. It’s so easy that I can’t even begin – I just don’t know where to start. After all, it’s just looking at...